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Assessment and Treatment

Integrative and Nurturing Therapy Sessions

During our therapy together we will work to create an ongoing safe place, from which you can explore a variety of different issues.


Our ethos and service values include working in a nurturing and compassionate manner with each individual and using our knowledge and experience to provide individualised therapy. 


Please contact us to arrange an appointment, or to have a conversation about what we can offer.


During your assessment session, we will talk with you about your current difficulties, needs, and goals. We will ask questions about your thoughts, emotional experiences and behaviours and think with you about when the difficulties started.


Some of the questions we may ask might feel tough to answer, or feel upsetting, we appreciate your honesty and bravery in starting your therapy journey.


As part of the assessment, we will develop a treatment plan together, where we will discuss the type of therapy and the likely length of treatment we would suggest.

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Therapy sessions will always be with the same allocated therapist, and will usually be facilitated weekly, lasting between 50-60 minutes.


Sessions will focus on holding in mind the emotional and mental difficulties you are experiencing and support you to develop coping skills and strategies.

Your therapist will offer psychological knowledge to facilitate discussions and support you to work toward your goals.


The content of your sessions remain strictly confidential, unless any information disclosed indicates risk of harm to you or another person. In these situations, we are duty bound to inform appropriate services. If this situation was to arise, we would discuss this fully with you beforehand.

Therapy Models

We offer a range of psychological approaches during our treatment. We will work with you to ensure the best fit for your current needs and difficulties.

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is a well-established evidence based psychological therapy.

Working with this model will help you to understand how what we think affects how we feel and behave. Sometimes the ways in which we respond can be unhelpful, and we can get stuck in cycles of thinking and behaving, which can lead to distress. CBT can help notice these patterns and learn different ways to respond and cope so we can feel better and move forward.


For more information, here are some useful links:


NHS Overview of CBT

Psychology Tools Information on CBT



Compassion Focused Therapy (CFT)

Compassion Focused Therapy (CFT) develops our ability to regulate our emotional world and has a specific focus on the impact of shame, self-blame, and self-criticism. The model looks at how early life experiences can shape the organisation of our emotions, which can increase our dispositions towards threat-based emotions that underpin a lot of mental health difficulties.

Working compassionately can hep us to regain a sense of internal and external safeness and foster our ability to be compassionate to ourselves and others.


If you would like to learn more, you could visit:


The Compassionate Mind Foundation

Counselling Directory Overview of CFT


Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) is a psychological intervention that uses acceptance and mindfulness strategies, together with commitment to behaviour change strategies, to increase psychological flexibility.

ACT helps individuals to explore their value system, to work out what is truly important to them and supports the setting of goals to help live life in line with your value system. 


Here are some suggestions to more information on ACT:


Contextual Sciences Organisation on ACT

Psychology Tools Information on ACT


Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) Therapy 

EMDR is a psychotherapy that enables people to heal from the symptoms and emotional distress that are the result of disturbing and traumatic life experiences. 

Treatment aims to, reduce distress, formulate and update negative or unhelpful beliefs and integrate more adaptive beliefs about ourselves, others and the world, which will ultimately reduce threat responses.


For more information on EMDR please visit:


The EMDR Association

The EMDR Institute




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